

The Galileo Business Consulting team identifies as its primary Client the People who daily invest, hold shares and work for the success of their Company.


We are continuously in contact with Private Equity Funds present in Milan, we know their available liquidity, strategic investment lines, investee companies and their industrial plans. Our experience and our network at the service of the Management Team of the major Investment Funds present in Italy to invest in new sectors and accelerate the industrial plans of the Participated Companies.   


Industrial Families are the backbone of the Italian System: they invest, engineer and sell products and services that have promoted the Made in Italy to international excellence. The sale of shares for generational transition, industrial growth or termination of investment are delicate phases and must be supported by a team dedicated to the development of M&A Advisory processes in order to guarantee qualitative results and maximum confidentiality.


The Management Team often accompanies the Entrepreneur in the development of Industrial Plans that increase the value of the Company. Increasingly, the Management Team becomes the entity with which to operate a "generational transition beyond the family" so as to transit the Company into the hands of capable and reliable people. We are able to support the development of M&A Advisory processes aimed at a Mangement Buy Out in a way that protects the interests of the Entrepreneur, the Mangement and the Company.


Galileo Business Consulting considers its own Clients all firms which we develop M&A Advisory processes with , especially the Firms of Accountants and Law Firms that follow the needs of M&A Advisory processes by continuously collaborating with us.



We are continuously in contact with Company Executives operating in major sectors of the Italian economy with renowned international experience.


PLG International Lawyers

Founded in 1988 by attorney Antonietta Marsaglia and colleagues, it has members in 32 countries and brings together about 1,000 lawyers and notaries.


Strategic Objectives

In our experience, in order to optimize the achievement of strategic objectives, it is necessary to act early enough to develop in detail the activities of a complex process:

Majority Disposal: may have as central the development of a business plan aimed at increasing the Value of the Company together with an Industrial Partner or a Private Equity Fund to which to subsequently sell all shares;

Minority Disposal: may see as central the development of an industrial plan by the entrepreneur with the accompaniment of an Investment Fund and it may become the preparatory phase for the total disposal of shares in the future;

Generational Change: to be successful they must be accompanied by different levels of advice from M&A Advisory, to Legal Advice to Tax Planning so as to give continuity to the Company and protect the interests of all parties;

Growth by Acquisition: the divestment of shares can have as its central focus the entry of an Investor with whom to "attack" the market to create a leading industrial entity. The concept is to divest shares to obtain a dominant market position.

Managerial Growth: the synergy between Entrepreneur and Investor often allows both to generate New Value by accompanying the Entrepreneur not only with capital increases, but also with Human Capital Increases to develop new industrial plans;

Carve Out: the term indicates the operations by which an Industrial Entity desires to no longer operate in a sector in order to concentrate its future investments in sectors considered Core Business. We can assist Medium and Large Companies with a successful Exit Strategy;



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The presentation of our Professional Services for M&A Advisory.